

Fore, Devin et al. “’Aktueller Realismus’. Sowjetische Faktographie Und Die Noetik Der Zeitung.” Die Wirklichkeit Des Realismus. Munich: Fink Verlag, 2018. Print.


Fore, Devin. The Eye in Matter. Dziga Vertov and Early Soviet Cinema. Madrid: Reina Sofía, 2017. Print.
Fore, Devin, and Matthew Witkovsky. “Introduction.” Revoliutsiia! Demonstratsiia! Soviet Art Put to the Test. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University Press, 2017. Print.
Fore, Devin. “Social Engineering. On Soviet Organizational Science.” Artforum (2017): n. pag. Print.
Fore, Devin, and Matthew Witkovsky. Revoliutsiia! Demonstratsiia! Soviet Art Put to the Test. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University Press, 2017. Print.
Fore, Devin. “Demonstration: The Aesthetics and Noetics of Display.” Revoliutsiia! Demonstratsiia! Soviet Art Put to the Test. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University Press, 2017. 288–294. Print.
Fore, Devin, Brooke Holmes, and Karen Marta. “Vzryv.” Liquid Antiquity. Athens: Deste Foundation, 2017. 198–201. Print.
Fore, Devin, and Udo Kittelman. “An Economy of Combined Trivials.” The Boat Is Leaking. The Captain Lied. Milan: Fondazione Prada, 2017. 34–42. Print.


Fore, Devin. “Biopolitics, Identity and the Public Sphere in the 1970s: Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge (revised and Expanded Version of Introduction to Kluge and Negt, History and Obstinacy).” Public Servants: Art and the Crisis of the Common Good. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2016. Print.
фор. “Сергей Третьяков: Факт.” Русские формалисты. Формы и структуры: Антология российского модернизма, Том 2 (2016): 203–218. Print.


Fore, Devin. “Die Emergenz Der Sowjetischen Faktographie.” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 89.3 (2015): 376–403. Print.


Fore, Devin. “Kluge and Negt.” October 149 (2014): 3–8. Print.
Fore, Devin. “Introduction.” History and Obstinacy. New York: Zone Books, 2014. Print.
Fore, Devin, Alexander Kluge, and Oskar Negt. History and Obstinacy. New York: Zone Books, 2014. Print.


Fore, Devin. “Jenseits Der Einstellung, Hinter Der Szene. Ejzenstein’s Generallinie.” Synchronisierung Der Künste. N.p., 2013. Print.
Fore, Devin, and Leslie Adelson. “Futurity Now.” Special Issue of Germanic Review 88.2 (2013): n. pag.
Fore, Devin. “The Metabiotic State: Dziga Vertov’s The Eleventh Year.” October 145 (2013): 3–37. Print.


Fore, Devin. “An Interview With Valie Export.” Interview Magazine 42.7 (2012): 268–273. Reprinted in Sexuality (Documents of Contemporary Art), ed. Amelia Jones (Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 2014).


Fore, Devin. “Un Ensevelissement Sous Les Feuilles: BebuquinII, l’autobiographie De Carl Einstein.” Gradhiva. Revue d’anthropologie et d’histoire des arts 14 (2011): 164–183. Print.
Fore, Devin. “Conquistar Al Tiempo.” Carta 2 (2011): 70–74. Print.


Fore, Devin. “Formalism.” The Encyclopedia of the Novel . N.p., 2010. Print.
Fore, Devin. “Dziga Vertov, The First Shoemaker of Soviet Cinema.” Configurations 18.3 (2010): 363–382. Print.
Fore, Devin. “Between Athlos and Arbeit: Myth, Production, and Cement.” New German Critique 110 (2010): 125–152. Print.


Fore, Devin. “Gegen Den ‘lebendigen Menschen’: Experimentelle Sowjetische Biografik Der 1920er Jahre.” Geschichte Und Theorie Der Biographie, Ed. Bernhard Fetz . N.p., 2009. Print.


Fore, Devin. “The Entomic Age.” Grey Room 33 (2008): 26–55. Print.
Fore, Devin. “1825/1936:/Consonances/of/Two/Godunovs/.” Three Oranges 17 (2008): 18–19. Print.


Fore, Devin. “Döblin’s Epic: Sense, Document, and the Verbal World Picture.” New German Critique 99 (2006): 171–207. Print.
Fore, Devin. “An Interview With Julia Kristeva.” V Magazine 39 (2006): 131–132. Print.
Fore, Devin (editor). “ Special Issue on Soviet Factography .” October 118 (2006): n. pag. Print.
Fore, Devin. “The Operative Word in Soviet Factography.” October 118 (2006): 95–131. Print.